Winner of 2024 bursary is Ryan Kelly
Scroll down to apply for the Tyrell Pride leadership Fund award.
The Tyrell Maas Pride Leadership Award, nominations deadline of June 08, 2024 at midnight. The award decision is scheduled to be complete and presented June 15, 2024 at our Oxford County Pride Family Day event at Museum Square in Woodstock.
The Tyrell Maas Pride Leadership Award is presented to a secondary student who exhibits outstanding service to, and is actively involved in leadership activities in, his/her/they/them community. Nominees must be in grade eleven, or twelve attending a secondary school or the equivalent located in the parameter of Oxford County, ON. The award recipient will receive a certificate accompanied by a $500.00 financial award to be applied to post secondary institution for the recipient’s education and/or a recognized charity of their choice. The Tyrell Maas Oxford Pride Leadership Award is generously funded by the Tyrell Maas Memorial Fund and Oxford County Pride.
Award Selection Process:
The Oxford County Pride Committee will assess each nomination. Consideration will be given to community participation, leadership contributions, personal challenges and/or financial hardships.
Award Presentation:
The Tyrell Mass Pride Leadership Award will be presented annually at the Oxford County Annual Pride Family Day Event in the month of June.
Application Criteria:
The Tyrell Maas Pride Leadership Award honours an Oxford County area high school student for accomplishments and contributions the nominee has made to the community; whether at home, school, religious institution, athletic or academic team, or another social group.
- Specifically, the nominee’s contributions must include leadership that has supported tolerance, diversity and acceptance of Oxford County and the surrounding area’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and two-spirited people, their supporters, or any community group represented under the diverse Rainbow banner.
- Demonstrate a commitment or significant contribution to developing tolerance and acceptance of Oxford County gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and two-spirited people, their supporters, or any community group represented under the diverse Rainbow banner.
- Consideration will be given to academic performance and personal or financial hardship.
- The opportunity is not exclusive to the LGBT+ community but created to recognize leadership and community contribution.
- Two letters of reference 1) From a teacher/principal/guidance/school personnel. 2) Personal reference non-family related. References are to be sent to mail@oxfordpride.ca clearly identified in the subject line with your name. All references must accompany the application process via email.
- A 2- 4-minute video or 500-word essay see application